the greatest battles are those in the mind.

Monday, February 19, 2007

didnt visit ah tay in the end. didnt decide on the time. and i didnt bother to ask if we are still going too. haha. not that keen to go.
starting work tomorrow. got lion dance. and meowmeow is quite excited. lol. excited about being upclose with lions. ROAR! haha.
just realised the results of our postings will be out on the 6th march. then, off to apply for scholarship. (:
andway, i was told that im stupid; silly, by some of my relatives, for choosing poly instead of jc. but still, i think i made the right decision. andandand. it feels really great to have people wowing abount your results, congrating you, and seeing my mum feeling proud of me and of course, herself. haha. at least i gave her part of the face i made her lose when i got retained. she didnt say anything about that but of course, she must have felt paiseh, cause i felt that too. but now, no more. ((:
off to watch the greatest invention- teevee ((:

9:58 PM